201001:shodan pictures by Greg Null sensei
Hello! My name is Ma..his is my bald spot. 002 003 004
005 006 007 008
009 010 011 012
013 014 015 016
017 018 019 020
021 No, up there! Upper left corner! 023 024
025 026 027 028
029 030 031 032
033 034 035 036
Did I ever tell you ..ow Aikidokas attack? 038 039 040
041 042 Now, now, now! Put t..re you hurt somebody I! SAID!
045 046 PUT! IT! DOWN! 049
050 They say at the star.. particular drawing. 052 053
054 055 056 057
Before the test, he ..ori, just not on him 059 I'll be with you in just a moment, mam! 061
062 063 Yoohooo! Wake up! 065
Not clear who's throwing whom here... Not on him, he said. I'm sorry, Tom! 068 Right, who's next?
Album created by photo album generator from David Madison's MarginalHacks on Wed Mar 17 18:13:34 2010