poland2004:Jastrowie:08 people
Matija,Ernest Salejda sensei, and his wife Ola and Dima Group picture Nakagawa sensei was certified
Jacek, Gosza, Sato s... and Jacek's student Sato sensei and Matija Sato sensei and Patryk Sato sensei with Ernest and his students
Nakagawa sensei and Sato Sensei Roomies: Matt, Ian, and Matija Dojo cho's only picture Nakagawa sensei with some of his fans
Nakagawa sensei and Matija On the morning of th...message from Paulina She must have put them up late at night Each room got a different message
Everybody wants to h...ure with Sato sensei We packed poor Matt ... the trip to Olsztyn dscn1953 dscn1997
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Album created by album script a script written by David Ljung on Sun Sep 12 18:47:33 2004